About US

We are Indian

Our mission is to significantly enhance road security throughout India, while also fostering a comprehensive understanding of road safety regulations among the general populace. The pressing issue of road safety is a matter of utmost concern, as India witnesses a substantial number of road accidents annually. Our dedicated initiative seeks to revolutionize this scenario by implementing a multi-faceted approach that addresses both preventive measures and educational endeavors. Our foremost goal is to create a safer road environment by collaborating with governmental bodies, law enforcement agencies, and local communities. Through strategic partnerships, we aim to establish rigorous enforcement of traffic rules, stringent licensing procedures, and efficient accident response systems. By leveraging advanced technologies such as traffic cameras, sensors, and data analytics, we can identify high-risk zones and develop targeted interventions to mitigate potential hazards. In tandem with our efforts in infrastructural enhancement, we recognize the pivotal role of public awareness. Our educational initiatives are designed to instill a comprehensive understanding of road safety rules among people of all ages. Through workshops, seminars, and digital campaigns, we will disseminate vital information on topics such as speed limits, seat belt usage, pedestrian rights, and the dangers of distracted driving. Our approach will be accessible and engaging, catering to diverse demographics and incorporating local languages and cultural contexts. To measure our progress, we will establish key performance indicators that include a reduction in road accidents, injuries, and fatalities. We will collaborate with academic institutions and research organizations to gather and analyze data, enabling evidence-based improvements in our strategies. By striving for the twin goals of enhanced road security and widespread awareness of road safety norms, we aim to create a culture where responsible road behavior becomes second nature to every Indian citizen. Through our concerted efforts, we envision a future where the roads are safer, accidents are minimized, and every individual can confidently navigate the streets with the knowledge that their safety is a collective priority.


Parivahan Sewa Team